Monday, August 3, 2009

Process Creation API Functions Path (XP)


Following up on the previous post on the Win32 API's process creation functions in Windows Vista SP1, now let's take a look at how it was in Windows XP SP2.

Following are the process creation functions available in the Win32 API:

  • CreateProcessA()
  • CreateProcessW()
  • CreateProcessInternalA()
  • CreateProcessInternalW()
  • CreateProcessInternalWSecure()

  • CreateProcessAsUserA()
  • CreateProcessAsUserW()
  • CreateProcessWithLogonW()
  • CreateProcessAsUserSecure()

Of note are CreateProcessInternalWSecure() and CreateProcessAsUserSecure(). These two functions do absolutely nothing. They just return zero. It's also worth noting that these two functions do not appear in Windows Vista. I suppose as a joke, it means that there is no secure way to create processes in Windows XP! GYAHAHA!!!

Below is a diagram that shows how these functions are related to each other, with the exception of

Win32 API Process Creation Functions

The general workings of these functions are the same as they were described in the previous post for Windows Vista.