Monday, May 11, 2009

Determining User Local Groups


There might be occasions where you are developing an application where it has to take actions which depend on the permissions and privileges of the user context under which it is running. To check if a process has a specific security privilege enabled, the LSA (Local Security Authority) API functions can be used.

In this article, we will look at a simpler and more general scenario. We will make a decision based on what everybody should be well familiar with, and that is Local Groups (we'll call it LG for short). The most common ones are of course:
  • Administrators
  • Power Users
  • Users

So, our simple scenario is that based on the our process's user's LG membership, we will take different courses of action(s).

We will use the following Network Management Function:
NET_API_STATUS NetUserGetLocalGroups(
__in LPCWSTR servername,
__in LPCWSTR username,
__in DWORD level,
__in DWORD flags,
__out LPBYTE *bufptr,
__in DWORD prefmaxlen,
__out LPDWORD entriesread,
__out LPDWORD totalentries

There is an example of how to use this function in MSDN: NetuserGetLocalGroups Function

What's important here are the first two parameters. The servername would be the local computer name, or localhost can also be used in its place. The username is of course the user whose LG membership we're interested in.

The value for level should be 0, the only value defined for flags is LG_INCLUDE_INDIRECT. The data will then be return in the buffer as type LPLOCALGROUP_USERS_INFO_0:
typedef struct _LOCALGROUP_USERS_INFO_0 {
LPWSTR lgrui0_name;

The LG info returned are therefore the names of the groups itself as Unicode strings. So, string comparisons have to be done to check for the groups (such as) "Administrators", "Power Users" and "Users".

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