Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Offering From Microsoft Research


I swear I did not make this up... Look here: Cibai from Microsoft Research

Here's what they have to say in the abstract:

"We introduce Cibai a generic static analyzer based on abstract interpretation for the modular analysis and verification of Java classes. We present the abstract semantics and the underlying abstract domain, a combination of an aliasing analysis and octagons.

We discuss some implementation issues, and we compare Cibai with similar tools (I dunno, like 'blue bird'? :P), showing how Cibai achieves a higher level of automation and precision while having comparable performances."

I'm not sure what to think about that last statement... a "Cibai achieves a higher level of automation and precision while having comparable performances"... If that isn't speechlessly incredible in-your-dreams type of thing, I don't know what is...

I mean, heck, if Jabba The Hutt can say "Kan Ni Naa", it's all good ;)

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